DB Version Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 7/23/2010

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software Maintenance Release with the release date of 7/23/2010.

Applicant List Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

PHAS Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Applicant List

Correction ID: PKG000279

When housing applicants using the House Applicant Wizard, non-dwelling units were incorrectly being displayed as choices along with dwelling units. This has been corrected and now only dwelling units are available to choose from.

General Ledger

Enhancement ID: GL000537

When adding a new line item on step 2 of the Add Journal Entry Wizard, the Description field in the Journal Entry Distribution table now automatically displays the journal voucher description entered on step 1 by default.

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Correction ID: ORC001540

It was taking an unusually long time for form letters to print. This process has been accelerated.

Correction ID: ORC001553

Users were unable to re-open any certifications after a Manual Edit certification was created. This has been corrected and you are now able to re-open Manual Edit certifications.


Correction ID: PHAS000062

On PHAS Form 50072, fields S11700 and E10400 incorrectly displayed the numbers as decimal values instead of percentage values. This has been corrected.

Tenant Accounts Receivable

Enhancement/Correction IDs: RCV001099, RCV001321, RCV001322

We have enhanced and corrected the Vacant Unit Status with Offers report:

Correction ID: RCV001320

If a user chose to override the auto apply in the Take Payment wizard by using the Manual Apply button on Step 1, the program was resetting the manually applied amounts back to the original auto-apply values. This has been corrected.

Correction ID: RCV001332

The Close Month wizard was incorrectly checking for un-deposited payments for ALL developments. Because of this, an un-deposited payment in a completely unrelated development from the development you were closing caused the exception report to display. This has been corrected and the Close Month wizard now only checks for un-deposited payments for the development you are closing, not for all developments.

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An MRI Software Company